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What Is Cadillac Magnetic Ride Control?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
February 11, 2014

Cadillac Magnetic Ride Control is an adaptive damping system that can read road conditions every millisecond and change the vehicle's damping settings every five milliseconds. The system was pioneered by Cadillac but has also been used by Ferrari in some of their vehicles. The Magnetic Ride Control system uses electronic sensors in each of the four corners of the vehicle and and shocks filled with special magneto-rheological fluid.

The shock fluid has magnetic particles in it, and the damping characteristics can be changed via the application (or removal) of a magnetic field. When the magnetic field is applied the particles line up, resulting in an increase in the viscosity of the fluid, and a damper that is more firm. The stronger the magnetic field, the firmer the damper. The magneto-rheological system used in the Magnetic Ride Control system can respond much more quickly than mechanical valves, and allows for better ride and handling on a variety of road surfaces. The system can be set to Tour mode for comfortable cruising or a Sport mode for better handling.


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