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What is Audi Drive Select?

Brent Dunn
by Brent Dunn
January 25, 2014
audi drive select

audi drive select

Audi Drive Select is a system that controls various aspects of the vehicle, including transmission shift points and engine throttle response. The system comes with three predefined modes that change the way the car feels and drives: comfort (the softest setting), dynamic (the sportiest setting), and auto (a setting that automatically adjusts based on the way the car is being driven).

If the car is also equipped with Audi's MMI (Multi-Media Interface) you can also customize the individual settings for the engine and transmission, and depending on the vehicle, also the steering, shock absorbers, and sport differential, to create your own personal configuration. This, for example, allows you to set the suspension in comfort mode but have the engine and transmission response of sport mode.


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