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Lease Assumptions

Assumptions Your may be able to get out of your lease early

by Autobytel Staff
April 25, 2009

You May be able to Get Out If you are stuck in a car lease that you need to get out of, then check out what an increasing number of consumers across the U.S. are discovering: Lease Assumptions. It is possible to get out of your auto lease early - without incurring large financial penalties or hassle. What is a Lease Assumption? A Lease Assumption is the transfer of a lease contract from one person to another, usually through online services such as Swapalease, an online service dedicated to transferring auto leases. Here's how it works: People who are looking to get out of their leased vehicle are matched up with people who would like to pick up a similar vehicle for the short term. Most services such as Swapalease.com also offer Customer Support assistance to help finalize the transfer process.A Great Way to Get Into A Car Consumers interested in assuming existing leases can browse the thousands of listings currently posted at services such as Swapalease.com. These vehicles are typically late model with low mileage commonly still under factory warranty. Throughout the process, their customer service staff is available to assist both parties with the support needed to complete a transaction. Learn More Swapalease.com executives point out that not all finance companies allow consumers to exit their lease early, so be sure to check before starting the process. You can learn about your finance company's policies, and see if you qualify for a lease transfer, by visiting Swapalease.com and clicking on the "Leasing Company Information" button.


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