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A Look at New Luxury: Kia K9 Quoris Photos

TJ Keon
by TJ Keon
May 23, 2013

The Korean automaker KIA recently invited AUtobytel out to the the LPGA KIA Classic where the all new 2014 Cadenza was supposed to be the star of the show. We saw the Cadenza but we also got a look at the Kia K9 - soon to be known as the Kia Quoris in the U.S. market, a BMW 5-Series fighter.

Luxury on Show: Kia K9 Quoris

Called the K9 in its home market in South Korea, the Kia Quoris is expected to be available in the United States in 2014 with a sticker price somewhere between $50,000 and $70,000.


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic

The Kia Quoris interior looks like it has a large display and luxury controls trimmed to the standard of the luxury market.


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic

Details on the Kia Quoris include LED-lit side mirrors.


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic

Multi-spoke wheels with painted inserts are a stylish feature on the Kia Quoris.


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic

SPorty intakes on the exterior of teh Kia Quoris are an indication of the performance experience to be expected.


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic

A detail of the elegant multi-spoke wheels with pianted inserts on teh Kia Quoris.


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic

Kia Quoris exterior detail.


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic

Performance tires on the Kia Quoris are another indicator of the performance driving that can be expected.


KIA K9 Quoris at the 2013 KIA Classic

The Kia Quoris features sleek LED headlights.



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